Tuesday, 16 June 2009


Filipe Gonçalves, the consultant working for Cavalum, the company which is planning to install the wind-farm in Água de Tábuas, came to see me on Friday, 12th June. He was taking advantage of the holiday weekend to take a break with his family in Tavira, and volunteered to come up to the hills for a chat and to see the alternative sites we had identified.
He spent about 3 hours with me, during which time we visited:
- the alternative site near Umbria (references below);
- the alternative site near Alcaria do Cume (where another wind measurement mast has been installed for some time – reference below);
- Bob & Alex’s house for a chat and to see the view from their house;
- Jurek and Nadia’s house for a chat and to see the view from their house.
I also gave him grid references for a third site north of São Bras, near Cove do Muda.
Points arising:
1. I told him that this year had been windier than normal, and it concerned him that he might be taking readings during an untypical year.
2. He will pass on the grid references for all the alternative sites to the University team who do the wind modeling for him, and they will be able to extrapolate probable wind values from the readings taken at A de T. He will provide us with a copy of the analysis.
3. He will try to find out who installed the wind measurement mast near Alcaria do Cume, and if possible, exchange wind measurement data with the people involved. He believes the mast is installed very near the boundary with River Guadiana natural park.
4. My letter to the CEO of Cavalum had got through and there would be a reply. However, the reference to the previous involvement of a UK barrister had almost caused them to clam up and deal only through their solicitor.
5. He had not heard the “Wind-farm kills goats” story, but thought it odd, and he wasn’t worried about any affect on aircraft radar systems as his proposed site had already been signed off by the airport authority.
6. He accepts that the wind-farm will impact the view from M de J but doesn’t think anyone living there has a real cause for complaint, and he says M de J residents will definitely not hear any noise.
7. He does now accept that there will be a significant visual impact on Jurek and Nadia’s house, and also now appreciates that there are ruins closer to his turbines than he was aware of.
8. Despite his protestations that we, as the closest residents in A de T, will hear no noise, he says that if he does decide to install them here, he will work closely with the manufacturers to ensure they get the quietest machines possible. Also, should there subsequently be any problems, he would work on our side to resolve them.
9. Stories on the internet about wind turbine noise are stories about older machines installed some years ago; new machines have a different blade tip design which doesn’t make the same noise. You can hear no noise from the machinery unless you are standing underneath.
10. He reaffirmed his strong belief that there will be no more tenders offered by the government for wind turbine plants in Tavira district for at least 4 years, so no-one in M de J need be concerned that they will be surrounded by wind turbines. The original plan for 18 or 19 units was a speculative endeavor, put forward by a company under the old way of doing business. These days, the government takes the first initiative.
11. He says he will tell us if and when the Environmental Impact Study is underway so we can contribute.
12. He is back in the area in 2 weeks time "for a meeting with landowners" and will pop-in to see if there are any other issues for discussion.