Wednesday, 25 November 2009

REN decision made, TVI interview residents

The TV station TVI has interviewed some residents and has scheduled to meet us again on Thursday 26th at mid day at the Taberna Orroio on the right side just over the first bridge on the way from Santa Catarina to Sao Bras. Residents concerned about the pylons, wind turbines or quarry are encouraged to come along.

REN’s decision on the HT cable route has been made. The promised public consultation for August 2009 never happened. Work is scheduled to begin soon. The ugly lines will scar this area forever.

Our efforts now must move to the proposed wind farm. Even the latest Wind turbines generate an enormous amount of noise, much like that of a huge shuddering washing machine. In quiet, open environments like ours, the noise can be heard from a distance of several kilometers. As the turbine blades turn, they block the sun, creating what is known as the flicker effect.

The noise and flicker have now been proven to cause a significant health problem known as WIND TURBINE SYNDROME. Visit for details of this issue.

Following legal advice, residents in the areas that will be impacted by the turbines are undergoing health checks and having house valuations prior to the installation. We will hold the company that is installing these turbines as well as Tavira Camara responsible for any negative impact on our health and on the value of our properties.

We have suggested several viable alternative locations for these turbines that are far away from any homes. Why are our suggestions being ignored?